THE ERIN'S are off! -- one of my roommates is also Erin!
It was only 10 euros round trip to get there.
Comino is known for its crystal clear blue water and look at this.
I should mention that this is only on the way to comino, this isn't even the good stuff! :)
Now for the beautiful water --> (also they call the area blue lagoon)
I couldn't stop taking pictures because the water was so nice. These pictures don't do it justice. It is not nearly as beautiful here as it is in person!
So that was all the people now for the adventure.
We decided to just walk until we found a place that we wanted to sit and lay around. So this is what we saw on the way.
There are actually really beautiful flowers in certain places in this country, you just have to find them in places that aren't completely limestone!
More water scenes, sorry I just can't get over how blue it all is. Just a reminder this camera does not do it justice.
I thought the ground was interesting and we saw a lizard! :)
It's crazy that there is greenery growing from all these rocks!
Now here are some pictures from our "secret spot"
It was so beautiful at our spot!

It hurts when I don't wear sunglasses but I had very little pictures of me actually in Malta at this point.
If you have a chance to do it, I highly recommend taking a dip in the Mediterranean! It is so nice!